Asset Management

OGM delivers tailored solutions to clients which range from Security Surveys, Site Security, VIP’s Security, Aviation Security, Mobile Asset Transportation, Satellite Tracking services. OGM plans and implements physical security and support operations to protect our clients’ the people and property.

OGM International plans and implements focused physical security operations to protect people and property against terrorism, kidnap, violent crime, theft and other threats relating to the client and the environment in which they are operating.

OGM runs security operations in diverse environments, including current and post-conflict scenarios and threats of natural hazards or violence. All operations are information-led and supported by regional and risk analysis from our Insight and Investigations division. OGM ’s flexible and innovative approach means we can deliver tangible results and value to our clients.

Security Survey and Planning

OGM performs comprehensive security surveys which form the foundation of our operational plans. Starting with a threat assessment, we review the client’s vulnerabilities and capabilities and match this with their desired outcome. The client then receives a report, including a risk management matrix, which culminates in a robust security plan for implementation by the client, their third-party security provider, or us.

Multi Task Support team

The Multi Task Support Team was designed by OGM after our experience of operating in hostile and remote environments. The team forms the core of our integrated Asset Protection solutions and is a self-contained team with robust leadership and proven operating procedures. Each team member can be configured to provide a wide range of support activities including medical, communications, loss control and security.