Country Forecast

OGM International have access to informed and current country information from across the globe. OGM analysts monitor over 100 developed, emerging and frontier markets to determine practical risk and security considerations. These considerations allow business and people to remain safe when operating internationally.

Country Reports 

OGM provides detailed reports covering more than 100 countries.
Clients are provided with an analysis of the political situation in the
country, health and travel information and practical risk and security

Incident Management 

OGM offers 24-hour access to expert security and incident management advice for a varied range of scenarios, including civil unrest, kidnap and terrorist incidents. We offer specific guidance, recommendations and resources should a client find themselves affected by or directly involved in a serious incident.

Travel Advise 

OGM provide a wealth of practical advice and guidance for commercial travelers to prepare for visits in a varied range of environments. Personal security advice helps to minimize the chances of becoming a victim when abroad. General travel advice offers guidance on mitigating risk in specific environments including different climates, religions and political situations.